Discussion Forum:Data ScienceMachine Learning, Data Mining, and Algorithmic Methods for Big, High Dimensional and Scarce DataThis forum is an informal platform for sharing ideas on educational and conceptual chalenges brought by recent, rapid development of methods that are often collectively termed as data analytics, data science, cognitive computing, Big Data methods, etc. There are no particular format or goals for this webpage except to serve as a reference for the involved discussants. One of possible positive effects would be to define the core and boundaries of the emerging discipline so that one could create meaningful educational programs at different intelectual accessibility levels.Notes from a meeting with Combient on Wed 02 May, 2018. Jan Erik Gustasson (jan-erik.gustavsson@combient.com) Slides only for internal use. They are interested in the distant learning opportunities for their clients (MOC - massive online courses). Knowledge sharing, Hannover Messe next year is co-hosted by Sweden it is a very big and important event at the end of April.
Mediated by:Department of Statistics, School of Economics and Management, Lund University